22 Things to Know for your First Day on a Building Site

What to expect first day on construction site

Disclaimer – don’t actually do any of this stuff (but it is the kind of thing to expect on a building site)

1. Don’t worry about where you put anything. There is officially no official place to leave equipment; in fact, you’ll spend 60% of your time, running around looking for a bucket for mortar

2. If you worry about health & safety people will either presume you are a some kind of snob or an aristocrat.

It is common for brickies to leave bricks for example, standing upright, on the edge of walls above you and it is also common practice to leave as much crap as possible, including packaging, broken bricks and cable ties strewn across the scaffolding for people to trip over

3. Say “f*cking” every other word

4. Establish yourself as the alpha male as soon as possible by being the first to take your top off at any glimpse of sunshine, and by shouting the loudest during the ‘banter’

5. Eat pies & pasties, smoke 20 cigarettes per break, and then tell the middle-class guy that his hemp protein powder is bad for him and going to destroy his kidneys. In fact, being a builder gives you superior knowledge and life-experience, so be sure to put across your strong opinions on nutrition, education and politics 🙂

6. If the boss tells you off, just say “I’m really sorry la, won’t do it again”. He will love you forever as most apprentices can not take feedback at all (feedback = getting a bollocking).

7. Lift exclusively with your back.  People who lift with their legs are also presumed a ‘posh bellend’


8. At break, talk about how hard your mates are, and smoke just inside the door of the portacabin to ensure that it is completely ‘hotboxed’ with tobacco.
It’s important that you are seen either smoking, or using a gambling app on your phone.

9. If you don’t smoke, it is assumed that you are some kind of shifty bugger

10. Never ask anyone’s name, or introduce yourself; it’s just not done.  Call the person “la” and “mate” until you know their life story and it’s too awkward to ask their name

11. If the boss ever has to go off site somewhere, stop all work immediately

12. Once you are an established brickie, it is important to remove your hard-hat whenever the site manager is out of sight

13. Try and pretend you’re interested when the older brickies tell you stories about hod carrying, and saying stuff like “when I was your age…” and “you don’t know you’re born kid”; whatever that means


14. Pay someone to spread a rumour that you once killed a gorilla with an uppercut. Or something similar.  This will make you less of a target for pranks and the high-brow banter

15. Stop watching documentaries and QI, and make sure your ‘read’ the Daily Sport and Star, just so you can hold a conversation with one of your associates. It is crucial that you hold aggressive right-wing opinions that are reliably informed by tabloid newspapers.

16. Be grateful for being given a chance.  Many people, in many types of work, never get chance to put their qualifications into practice

17. “Bucket of sh!te” = bucket of mortar

18. Energy drinks are compulsory for under 35s. If you don’t have an energy drink and 5 cigarettes in the morning, you’ll be deemed an outsider.

'Hank, can I level with you'

19. “Customer Service” is not a known term. Once the job’s done, it’s done.

20. Always rub your chin 3 times before quoting a price

21. Aggression is the go-to emotional state for any good tradesman, whenever conflict, misunderstanding or frustration occur. The more aggressive you are, the better tradesman you become

22. Passing the buck is an art form on the building site. Just don’t expect anyone to know what ‘passing the buck’ actually means.

23. Crack open a can of beer as soon as you get in the car to drive home*

*Don’t actually do this. Although this did happen regularly when I was lift-sharing

A poem about the great men of the building site

O brickie oh brickie what will it be?
A tea with 3 sugars plus an extortionate fee,
A red bull with 5 fags is the fuel that we need, to lay those bricks 4 u at an exceptional speed,
Ale for us, no yoga or weed,
6 pints in town, its the way that we breed.

Cash in hand for our holiday in the sun,
No receipt 4 u tho its not how its done.
Customer service is our number 1 aim,
But if anything goes wrong, its the previous workman that’s ta blame


Actual Tips for your first day on the job:

  • Arrive there early
  • Don’t make excuses or blame other people
  • Work hard, don’t mess around
  • Be polite – you will stand out as a good worker
  • Be willing to learn everyday
  • When I was labouring, I found beta-alanine helped amazingly

A lot of the youngsters that I worked with were incredibly defensive. If you can be humble, say sorry and that you’ll do that or try harder next time, you will stand out a mile as a good worker. If you actually do some work as well. Try and get the punters/customers to like you as well by smiling and being polite. Again you will stand out a mile.

Baba Sling Review

– Very quick to put on
– Support at the top for baby’s neck
– Attractive design (!?)
– You can breastfeed in it – although you do need one hand to support baby whilst you’re breastfeeding
– Convenient – nipping out, or driving somewhere and then nipping into the shops – quicker than a pram
– Close to your chest so baby feels secure and happy
– Good for attachment parenting

– Weight is ‘across’ so not 100% evenly balanced
– Have to be mindful baby doesn’t slip down – small risk of suffocation

Baba Sling - great for breastfeeding
Baba Sling – great for breastfeeding!


A Few Things I’ve Learnt So Far…

…about babies, or at least my baby.

Don’t get tops that are anywhere near tight fitting around the neck – button up tops are much better. Baby goes proper mental if you try and pull a top over her head, she thinks you’re trying to kill her.  Loose fitting ones or button-up ones are much better

Music often, not always, but often stops her crying.  I’m guessing this is okay to do(?)  just wack on some music and it seems to distract her:


3. You don’t really need a pram if you have a sling. Never used it.

4. I also thought child-birth took about an hour, not 3 days! (if you include all the stop-start contractions)


Everyone’s an Expert at Parenting…

I think, one of the most annoying things, then I never realised before having a child, was that everyone is a complete, fountain of overwhelmingly assertive/aggressive knowledge when it comes to parenting.

Whether you should leave a baby to ‘cry it out’ or not, whether breastfeeding is best (surely it is?), how long to breastfeed for, what kind of routine you should be in, to get jabs or not, etc etc.

I think this is a classic example of Type 1 thinking.  Which I like to call “Lazy thinking”.

Basically it costs less energy to retrieve information that’s already established in your ‘memory-banks’.  Comprehending, and obtaining new, especially contradictory information, takes a lot more effort and energy, and therefore people are often very reluctant to do it – even though learning new things is a proven way to keep the brain healthy.

So if you every catch yourself saying “oh, don’t be so stupid” in the face of a logical argument, you’re probably carrying out Type 1 thinking.

Wish is the kind of response you get when you try to explain the research behind attachment parenting, and the studies that prove you cannot apply Behavioural Psychology to babies.

In regards to the parenting opinions, I’m not sure whether to respond with an abrupt – “oh just fcuk off will you”, or to pretend to cry…


The Importance of a House-T0-Do List

One very effective and easy way to reduce stress and constant thoughts of ‘am I forgetting something’, is to set up a “To Do” board in the house. We have ours in the kitchen.

It’s handy for organising yourself, but the real benefit is when you sit down for dinner after work and your spouse reels off a load of jobs for you to do – “can you remember to…and..did you do…?”

Tell him or her to put it on the To Do list, and you’ll get it done.  If you can both agree on this, it makes life so much easier and you’re not constantly trying to remember stuff that you were told when you were hardly listening over dinner.

Here’s our, kind-of legible version:


Here’s a video, that is kind-of about the same thing.  Put ‘things-to-do’ into some kind of system or organisational-protocol that you have, so that you can forget about them until you need to do them.
Frees up your ‘psychic bandwidth’ apparently


Breastfeeding – Part 1

Just to kick things off, here’s a list of the contents of human breast milk. Which I’ve taken from BreastFeeding Thoughts on Facebook (please like their page if you want to learn more):

Key Molecules Breast Milk Glossary:

Generic terms:

Carbohydrates, in their simplest form they are a molecule containing a carbon, hydrogen and an oxygen. In human biology the carbohydrates that we are interested in are saccharides, which is an umbrella term for any sugar or starch.

Monosaccharides are simple single sugars units and include glucose and fructose. Disaccharides are two monosaccharides bound together and include lactose and sucrose
Oligosaccharides are small multi sugar units (typically 3-9 monosaccharides), they have an important role in cell to cell recognition and other functions. They help to block
antigens from sticking to the wall of the gastrointestinal tract. This blocking mechanism is particularly effective against pneumococcus which is extremely sticky.
Polysaccharides are larger multi sugar units and include starch and glycogen.

Fats are an essential nutrients required by the body for a range of functions. Functions of fats include storage of energy, transport, structural roles (fat soluble molecules such as certain vitamins are stored in fats). The break down of fats releases heat energy, which helps to keep us warm. Fats are also an important producer of hormones.

Amino acids are small organic chemical compounds, which are the individual building blocks for proteins. There are 22 amino acids, which used by humans for proteins synthesis. Essential amino acids are ones which the body cannot produce itself, other than in human milk. There are 9 essential amino acids, all present in human milk.

Proteins are three-dimensional structures comprised of amino acids. Proteins are essential biological molecules with a vast range of functions from cell to cell signalling, transport of other factors around the body (e.g. oxygen) and structural roles. Every protein consists of a specific sequence of amino acids. Every protein has a corresponding gene, which is essentially a set of instructions a cell uses to determine the order of amino acids. The order of amino acids will dictate the 3D shape of the protein and the structure of the protein dictates its function.

Enzymes are a specialised protein, which mediate chemical reactions in the body. A number of processes in the body require chemical reactions to occur, examples include the metabolism of glucose, the detoxification of drugs and harmful substances and the formation of waste products for excretion. Enzymes lower the energy requirements for these reactions to occur.

DNA/Genes: Every cell in the human body has a nucleus. The nucleus contains the all of the genetic material relating to that particular individual. Every cell contains the same genetic material, regardless of the cell type. The genetic material is database of instructions for creating proteins. The genetic material is expressed as chains of molecules called DNA, lots of DNA is random irrelevant ‘junk’ DNA with no real purpose, however, some is useful and these sections are called genes. DNA is converted in cells to RNA, which then instructs proteins within the cell to make new proteins.



Amino acids are the individual building blocks for proteins. Proteins make up approximately 20% of the human body. Breast milk contains the 9 essential amino acids, which the body cannot produce itself other than in breast milk (listed in bold), as well as others, which are critical for development in all areas.

Taurine. The second most abundant amino acid in human milk. It plays an important role in early brain maturation.


Nucleotides are the subunits of nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA. The can also form cyclic structures which can be involved in cell signalling (activating or inhibiting activity in cells).

5’-Adenosine monophosphate (5”-AMP)
3’:5’-Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (3’:5’-cyclic AMP)
5’-Cytidine monophosphate (5’-CMP)

Cytidine diphosphate choline (CDP choline)
Important for the maintenance of cell membrane proteins particularly in the nervous system, some evidence to suggests it has a protective role against hypoxic brain damage, and helping to improve memory and learning.

Guanosine diphosphate (UDP)
Guanosine diphosphate – mannose
Uridine monophosphate (3’-UMP)
Uridine diphosphate (UDP)
Uridine diphosphate hexose (UDPH)
Uridine diphosphate-N-acetylhexosamine (UDPAH)

Uridine diphosphoglucuronic acid (UDPGA)
Important for the production of essential sugars, required for normal growth and development.


Triglycerides and Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids are fat based molecules. Fats in general have a number of functions including: energy storage, cell messaging, hormone production and structural roles.

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) A fatty acid shown to have an important role in infant brain development, particularly with association and short term memory.

Arachidonic acid (AHA) A fatty acid required for the synthesis of molecules involved in pain and inflammation. Also thought to play a role in infant brain development

Linoleic acid (Omega 6)/ Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) (Omega 3) An essential fatty acid which is thought to have numerous roles in the body, from possible anti-cancer properties to the reduction of cholesterol levels.

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
Conjugated linoleic acid (Rumenic acid- active omega 6)
Free Fatty Acids
Oleic acid (possible adverse effects)
Palmitoleic acid
Heptadecenoic acid
Stearic acid
Palmitic acid
Lauric acid

Important phospholipid (fat with a phosphate group bound), found in every cell in the body, thought to have a role reducing the risk of inflammatory bowel disease and tissue repair.


A phospholipid essential for cell structure, which is partially prevalent in brain tissue

A compound derived from phospholipids, thought to have potential anti-cancer properties.

Globotriaosylceramide (GB3)
Globoside (GB4)
Triacylglycerol (triglyceride)
Stigma-and campesterol


In general vitamins and minerals are used in a variety of roles. Most are essential for growth and development and deficiency can lead to problems. With adequate nutrition it’s unusual to be deficient in these.

Vitamin A
An essential vitamin required for vision and healthy skin.
Beta carotene
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B8 (Inositol)
Vitamin B12
Needed for early development of the central nervous system.
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin EImportant for the protection of delicate tissues against oxidant induced injury such as the lungs and retina.
Vitamin K
Folic acid
Pantothenic acid
Calcium. Essential mineral and is the most abundant mineral in the body, functions range from heart contractions to development of teeth and bones.
ZincShown to be protective against some rare but serious congenital conditions.
Molybdenum (essential element in many enzymes)


CytokinesCytokines are involved in the regulation of the immune system. In babies they have an important role in protection from disease.

Stem cells. These are a unique kind of cell which can divide and self-renew to create and repair different organs and systems. Early testing has shown these stem cells may be able to regenerate brain cells and they could have a part to play in early brain development or longer-term protection against conditions like Alzheimers. Stem cells are being used in research for a wide variety of diseases.

Interleukin-1β (IL-1β), IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10
Interleukins are a group of chemical signalling molecules. Different Interleukins have different specific effects but in general they are involved in regulating the immune system and promoting a response to infection and inflammation.

Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF)This is a growth factor which stimulates the development of white blood cells involved in the protection of the body against infection.

Macrophage-colony stimulating factor (M-CSF)
This is a growth factor, which stimulates the development of white blood cells involved in the protection of the body against infection.

Interferon-γInvolved in coordinating T and B cells to combat infection, particularly against viral infection but has roles against other pathogens.

Epithelial growth factor (EGF)Stimulates the production of intestinal mucosa and gut wall lining – important barriers that prevent pathogens and allergens entering a babyʼs blood stream.

Transforming growth factor-α (TGF-α), TGF β1, TGF-β2. Members of the epidermal growth factor family, thought to be involved in the maturation of the intestinal system.

Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) (also known as somatomedin C), Insulin-like growth factor- II, thought to have a role in growth promotion.

Erythropoietin, Stimulates the development of red blood cells.

HMGF I (Human milk growth factor), HMGF II, HMGF III
Thought to be involved in stimulating growth via DNA synthesis and cellular proliferation

Nerve growth factor (NGF)
β-endorphinsThought to help to overcome stress on the neonatal system following a vaginal delivery.
Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP)
Bombesin (gastric releasing peptide, also known as neuromedin B)
Platelet derived growth factors (PDGF)
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
Hepatocyte growth factor -α (HGF-α)
Tumour necrosis factor-α
Peptides (combinations of amino acids)


Chemical messengers that carry signals from one cell, or group of cells, to another via the blood.

Cortisol, Insulin, Thyroxine and Cholecystokinin. Help develop the baby’s intestinal system and the intestinal defence system.

Thyroxine is essential for growth, and Cholecystokinin helps with digestion, sedation, and a feeling of well-being.

Triiodothyronine (T3), Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) (also known as thyrotropin), Thyroid releasing hormone (TRH)
Thyroxine is essential for normal metabolism, growth and brain development. Low levels can have serious impacts on the development of the baby

ProlactinEnhances the development of lymphocytes (T and B cells) and hence has a protective role against infection.

Oxytocin. Promotes emotional connection between mother and baby. Helps them both to relax and go back to sleep after a feed at night. Also reduces the risk of bleeding following vaginal delivery by promoting contraction of the uterus.

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
Leptin. Regulates appetite, food intake and energy metabolism. The higher the milk leptin concentration, the lower the infants BMI indicating that leptin could have a part to plan in preventing obesity.

Ghrelin (aids in regulation of food intake)
Feedback inhibitor of lactation (FIL)
PG-E1, PG-E2. Prostaglandins, important for mounting an inflammatory response to injury and infection. They are also protective towards cells.

Leukotrienes, Thromboxanes, Prostacyclins
Mediators of inflammatory response required to fight infection and promote healing.

ENZYMES (catalysts that support chemical reactions in the body):

Enzymes are proteins, which lower the energy required to carry out a biochemical reaction, they are essential for every life sustaining process.

Amylase. Helps the baby to digest the starches found in milk, thought to promote better digestion of solid foods one the baby is weaned of milk.

Lipase. Helps babies to digest fat when their own pancreatic function is still immature.

Lysozyme. This is found in significant concentrations in breast milk. It has both bactericidal and anti-inflammatory actions, destroying bacteria by disrupting their cell walls. Though to protect the infant against diarrhoeal diseases. It increases in concentration in breast milk as babies get older and more mobile and increases further after 12 months. It is particularly effective against E. Coli and salmonella.

Xanthine oxidase

Antiproteases. Thought to bind themselves to macromolecules such as enzymes and as a result prevent allergic and anaphylactic reactions.


ANTIMICROBIAL FACTORS: (Cellular and humoral). Used by the immune system to identify and neutralise foreign objects, such as bacteria and viruses.

In general these factors have an important role in resistance to harmful infections and training the immune system against attacking itself and causing problems such as inflammatory bowel disease, asthma and allergies.

Leukocytes (white blood cells). These are the cells found in blood which fight infections and other harmful objects

Phagocytes. These cells absorb harmful molecules and organisms and consequently destroy them, they also then have a role in protection from future infection.

Basophils, Neutrophils, Eoisinophils, Macrophages
Important in protection against infection

Lymphocytes- T cells and B cells
These cells are responsible for targeted destruction of harmful organisms. B cells produce antibodies, which give us immunity, while T cells organise the immune system into a specific infection fighting force.

Antibodies produced in human milk are highly targeted against infectious agents in the motherʼs environment. When a mother comes into contact with pathogens by either inhaling or ingesting (notably from contact with her baby’s saliva on her breast), ʻPeyerʼs patchesʼ in the lungs or small intestine manufacture specially sensitised lymphocytes (white blood cells) that then migrate to breast and create tailor-made sigA antibodies against that pathogen.
Mucosal pathogens are a major killer of children below the age of 5 years, being responsible for more than 14 million deaths annually. Diarrheal disease alone claim a toll of 5 million children per year in the developing countries.

Epidemiological data suggest that the risk of dying from diarrhea could be reduced 14-24 times in breast-fed children. A beneficial clinical effect is also apparent in the industrialised world, even in relation to relatively common diseases such as otitis media and acute lower respiratory tract infections.

sIgA (Secretory immunoglobulin A) (the most important anti-infective factor)
IgA2, IgG, IgD, IgM, IgE

Maternal immunoglobulins, these are essentially for coordinating a targeted immune response against infection and also give some immunity to infections.

Complement C1, Complement C2, Complement C3, Complement C4, Complement C5, Complement C6, Complement C7, Complement C8, Complement C9:
The complement proteins are part of the body’s defence mechanism against potentially harmful agents such as bacteria. They are involved in the detection of a harmful agent and the mobilisation of the immune system against that agent

Mucins. Attach to bacteria and viruses to prevent them from clinging to mucosal tissues

Alpha-lactoglobulin. A protein that induces death in cancerous cells (Human α-Lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells (HAMLET)).
Some evidence to suggest that this could lower the risk of childhood cancers such as lymphoma and leukaemia.
Human milk is currently being used to develop anti-cancer drugs.

Alpha-2 macroglobulin
Lewis antigens
Haemagglutinin inhibitors

Bifidus Factor
Increases growth of Lactobacillus bifidus, which is a good bacteria and protective in the gut. It encourages the growth of friendly bacterias which creates a low Ph environment in the babies gut. This discourages replication of dangerous bacteria.

Lactoferrin. Binds to iron, which prevents harmful bacteria from using the iron to grow. It is an iron-binding protein that helps the baby absorb its own iron stores but also crucially ties up the iron so it is not available to harmful micororganisms that need iron to survive. Bacteria like E.coli and Staphylococci need iron to survive and are significantly stunted in to presence of lactoferrin. As is candida which causes thrush infection.

Lactoperoxidase. B12 binding protein Deprives microorganisms of vitamin B12 (antibacterial function)

Fibronectin. Makes phagocytes more aggressive, regulates inflammation, and repairs damage caused by inflammation.



Should you leave your baby to cry?

Should you let your baby cry her or himself to sleep?


Controversial one this…well anything to do with parenting tends to be, as people have such defensive & at times aggressive opinions about it.

From what I’ve read, which admittedly is limited to a few relevant pages in one book, and 2 articles; I’ve concluded that “no” you shouldn’t leave a baby crying…

One of my favourite books of all time is called The Happiness Hypothesis, there is a section within the book (sorry, can’t remember the chapter) that talks about ‘Harlow’s Monkeys’, and how the (cruel) experiments he did on monkeys – where they received milk but no kind of motherly affection; dispelled all the theories about Behavioural Psychology and babies.

You can learn more about ‘Harlow’s Monkeys’ in this excellent TED x talk:


The 2 points to take from the experiments are that:
1) Babies are born prematurely compared to other mammals, with underdeveloped brains – they can’t walk etc like other mammals.
This is because the human brain gets so big, and human hips are relatively small. For this reason, at 40 weeks, it’s physically the best time for the baby to ‘come out’.   Any longer, and well…you can imagine the problems caused by the disproportionately large heads that human babies have.

Babies are therefore primarily ‘instinctive’ in behaviour – if you’ve heard of the triune brain model, a new born babies brain is basically ‘all reptile’ in terms of its development.  This sounds odd, but you can learn more about the triune brain here.  It’s a bit outdated and over-simplistic but still quite an effective way of grasping an understanding of the human brain. The reptile brain, is the most basic part of the brain, responsible for impulses and instinctive behaviour, such as crying.

This simplistic brain cannot adapt, or learn from reinforcement, rewards, experience etc. So by leaving your baby crying; it might eventually stop, but it, in theory, won’t make him or her less likely to cry, or to cry less in the future.

In contrast, dogs and other mammals are born with a fully functioning ‘limbic system‘. According to this website, the limbic system –

“It appears to be primarily responsible for our emotional life, and has a lot to do with the formation of memories.”.

The presence of emotions and memories in the brain of a puppy or other young mammal, mean that they can be trained etc. and that Freudian and Behavioural style psychological techniques work in manipulation of their behaviour.

2) This is more of a general point, and I don’t fully understand the science behind this, but from what I’ve read, children need a secure ‘attachment figure’.  They’ll be extremely anxious in later life, if they don’t feel secure and safe when they’re an infant.  In Harlow’s experiments with monkeys, those that were separated from their mothers shortly after birth displayed all kinds of psychological problems, and would cling to anything for comfort.  This behaviour contradicted the Freudian theory that babies were only attached to their mothers, because of the ‘reward’ of milk.  The monkeys received milk from a metal model of an adult monkey, but would ignore the model unless they were hungry.

It’s a bit upsetting, so I won’t link to it, but if you read any of the academic papers about Romanian orphans, the same issues occurred. Despite being fed when hungry, and changed and washed when required, the orphans displayed psychological issues as infants.  They would also show the ‘attachment instinct’ to any adult that showed them any attention – literally following them around.

Obviously, there’s more to attachment-theory than what you do when your baby cries, but it is theorised to be a contributing factor.  Babies are extremely vulnerable and not supposed to be independent in anyway, so trying to toughen them up, or teach them something, is in theory, not going to work. In fact, I read somewhere that putting your child in the ‘naughty corner’ is more traumatic than smacking them, as a child’s instinctive fear is being abandoned. You can’t spoil a baby, you certainly can’t spoil them with too much love.

There’s an interesting research paper on the topic here. There’s an interesting quote from a psychologist named Bowlby:

…a person (or child) who has formed a secure attachment
“is likely to possess a representational model of attachment figure(s) as being available, responsive, and helpful and a complementary model of himself as at least a potentially lovable and valuable person

I’m sure there are strong arguments against attachment theory (please, comment with a link if you find anything), and it’s not always physically possible to attend to your baby when you’ve had 2 hours’ sleep and you’re hallucinating at 4am in the morning when baby is going mental but this is what I’m sticking with for now.
In fact, just to balance this post a bit, here’s a counter argument on Huffington Post.

I would really, recommend watching the video above if you get chance!

oh, and just to finish…apparently the ‘cry it out’ method doesn’t work anyway:


“A 2002 BMJ study of 156 mothers of babies between six and 12 months showed that babies who underwent controlled crying for two months slept better, according to their mothers. However, when the study finished after four months, the sleep-trained babies slept no better than those who hadn’t been trained, suggesting that time sorts it out for most babies.”


I’d love to hear/read people’s thoughts on this, so please leave a comment

Further reading here