JQuery Selectors

Selectors go inside the brackets; for example:


The above code, will select all the div elements in your html (anything between




The above code will select all the div elements, and change their background colour to red.

To select all paragraphs that are within (children of) div elements
$(“div > p“).css(“background-color”,”red”);

To select the first paragraph that is within (children of) div elements
$(“div > p:first-child“).css(“background-color”,”red”);

$(“div > p:first-child”).css(“background-color”,”red”);

P:odd will select on the odd paragraphs, e.g. the first, the third, the fifth paragraphs.

In the html
If you name a paragraph
<p id=”drew”>This is drew’s paragraph</p>

This code will select the paragraph called “drew”.  The hashtag is the “ID selector”

In the html name a class:
<p class=”Dave”>This is Dave’s paragraph</p>
This code will select the paragraph called “drew”.  The fullstop is the “class selector”


To make this a practical example

in the body of your html page, add a button:
<input id=”buttonOne” type=”button” value=”Go” />

Add some <divs> with some text and <p> paragraphs in between them.

Add the Google Jquery library at the end of the body of the html –


And add a link to the .js page:

Create a new .js page called drewCode, and add the following code inside it:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(“#buttonOne”).click(function() {



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