Facebook Ads Freelancer

Facebook ads have come a long way since the early 2000s when they loomed on the sidebar somewhere but were very rarely clicked.

The reason that Facebook advertising is potentially highly effective, is the level of data the platform has, allowing for very tailored and targeted advertising campaigns that aim to get a niche audience to take a specific action such as filling in a lead generation form.

The best strategy for a Facebook ads campaign will depend greatly on the product and/or service that is being promoted. Unlike Google Ads, Facebook Ads need to be tailored for an audience with a different mindset and intent. Whereas people use Google to search specific for products and services, users on Facebook are generally scrolling through their timeline with no particularly aim or goal. It is also vital to be aware that a higher percentage of Facebook users will be on a mobile device.

This means that an advert must standout and grab a user’s interest. This can be done by using a highly targeted advert that ‘cuts through the noise’ of the timeline. It is often best to first ‘warm up’ a lead with a free offer, or promotion. For example, using a free eBook, free webinar or event, combined with Facebook lead forms (an advert format) can be highly effective when aimed at a very specific audience that use mobile devices.

For more information, and to hire us as Facebook Ads consultants to setup and/or optimise and maintain your Facebook Ads account, please get in touch using the form below:

Please note – I currently work 4 days a week and love my day job. I may be able to take on 1 or 2 small clients. Please email me for more info and some free tips and consultancy! I am looking to build a portfolio of happy clients as I would like to go freelance in the next 3 or 4 years. Many thanks 🙂