Lunchtime 25 Minute Workout Routines

I’ve been working in my latest role for just over 3 months, and training at the gym there most days, but never actually got around to creating an exercise programme;

So – in an attempt to be more organised, here’s what I shall endeavour to follow for the next 6 weeks –

2-4-2 tempo = pause for 2 seconds at the bottom, take 4 seconds to press/lift the weight, then pause for 2 seconds at the top.

Monday – Legs & Back

Rowing Machine – 1000m

Bulgarian Split Squats x 2 sets of 2-4-2 tempo reps to failure

Seated Row – Core warm up – Sit away from the supporting frame to engage core and use super light weight

Seated Row x 2 sets

Seated Rear Delt Fly with 1 rep, 1/2 rep protocol x 2 sets

Lunges x 2 sets


Tuesday – Chest

Cross trainer – 1 min warm up then 4 minute Tabata Interval

Chest Press x 2 sets

Dumbbell Chest Press x 2 sets – 2-4-2 tempo

Cable Punches x 2 sets of 10 reps on each side

Modified Fly x 2 sets of max reps


Wednesday – Back

Rowing Machine – 1000m

Lat Pull down – 2 sets of 6-8 reps

Negative Reps – Machine Row

One arm Row – 2-4-2 Tempo

Angled One Arm Cable Shrugs x 2 sets


Thursday – Shoulders

Cross Trainer – 5 minutes

Single Arm Shoulder Press 2 sets of 8-12 reps

Single Arm Shoulder Press 1 set of eccentric reps

Shrugs / Upright row – 2 sets of 10-12 reps

Hindu Press ups x 1 set of max reps


Friday – Stability Ball Workout

Core Ball Workout

Press ups x 2 sets

Reverse Hyperextensions x 2 sets

One arm row x 2 sets

Hamstring curls x 2 sets

Pikes x 2 sets

Plank x 2 sets


Martial Arts Techniques to drill in between sets

Guard framing

Double leg ‘rotation’ to finish takedown

Chest to Chest Guard Sweep

Wizzer Throw to Ankle pick

Wrist control to ankle pick – pull back on right arm and then ankle pick right foot/ankle

Front Kicks

Side Kicks